Family Movie Night: Friday, March 1st 6PM-9PM
Join us for movie night on Friday, March 1st from 6-9PM. This is a FREE event hosted by the Mockingbird PTA for students, friends and families to enjoy! The event is held outside in the grassy area by the white top and seating is first come first serve. Bring blankets, sleeping bags or low chairs to enjoy the movie comfortably! Students get to vote for the movie shown during their lunch and it will be revealed that night!
Students can star in the pre-move slide show! You can submit photos and short videos (5-10 seconds) to be included. Please email to by February 23rd. Please only two entries per family and submit in landscape orientation (horizontal).
Concessions will be available for pizza, popcorn, candy, GLOW and more! You can buy tickets online in advance starting February 7th until February 23rd! Tickets are sold in sheets of 10 for $10. Pre-ordered Tickets will be delivered to your student’s classroom the week before movie night. You can also purchase tickets that night!