Kindergarten Roundup: Tuesday March 5th, 6PM


Every year Mockingbird hosts an event on campus in the spring for incoming kindergarten families in the fall. It's an opportunity to tour the school, meet teachers and administrators, and learn about what to expect when school starts. This includes basics like school policies (e.g., uniforms), extracurriculars, and special educational programs like the deaf education and dual language


This event features stations for guests to visit, including:

  • the Mockingbird Garden (with Grow Garden Grow Farmers on site)
  • a fashion show in the courtyard
  • a tour of the Kinder Wing and classrooms
  • a look at the gym (which hosts the Spirit Store and after school/social activities)


At 6:10 and 6:30 team members from the school administration will do a mini-Mockingbird 101 in the Auditorium.